Scramble order for two Eurofighter of Italian Air Force

por Aeroflap


On Thursday 22nd March 2018, two Eurofighter F-2000 of the Italian Air Force had intercepted an Air France Boeing 777 in the region of Lombardy, in Northen Italy. 

The airliner has lost the radio contact with ENAV, the Italian Authority for air traffic control service.

The two Eurofighter are based at the 51° Storm of Istriana Air Force Base. The scramble order was received from the CAOC (Combined Air Operation Center) of the Torrejon’s NATO entity. CAOC is responsible for the air space surveillance service. Due to the urgent reaction timing needed in this cases, the F-2000s have broken the sound barrier. Despite the high altitude, the sound was even heard at ground level.

In Italy there are 6 bases with this duty, all equipped with Eurofighter, one of today’s most advanced military aircrafts. Air space surveillance is guaranteed 24/7 thanks to cooperation between air forces, NATO and national authorities.


Autor: Aeroflap

Categorias: Não categorizado

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