
Embraer strengthens integration with the supply chain and chooses the 10 best suppliers of the year

Embraer awards supplies suppliers

Embraer today held an awards ceremony for the best suppliers of the year in 10 categories, during the annual strategic alignment conference with the supply chain, the Embraer Suppliers Conference (ESC). The event highlighted the collaboration, performance, quality and excellence of the partners who contributed to the company's results last year.

“We strongly believe that collaboration and resilience, aligned with safety first and quality are always the foundations of our supply chain. Therefore, I sincerely thank the suppliers who demonstrated these values, working consistently to achieve efficiency and generate value for our companies and our industry”, said Roberto Chaves, Executive Vice President of Global Purchasing and Supply at Embraer.

In this edition of ESC, Embraer launched the status of “Preferred Supplier” to the award winners who will also be part of the Embraer Suppliers Advisory Council (ESAC), an advisory group that encourages debate on the main trends and strategic topics, strengthening alliances to leverage opportunities business with the company.

During the conference, the new organizational structure of the Vice Presidency of Global Purchasing and Supplies was also announced, creating a more integrated and cohesive approach to supplier management. This restructuring is aligned with the strategy of developing a robust and resilient supply chain, strengthening Embraer's business efficiency and accelerating business growth in a sustainable manner.

Supply chain management at Embraer connects the company's business needs with an extensive and complex base of suppliers located in more than 60 countries. To this end, the company has a global purchasing policy that establishes guidelines for the acquisition of goods, services and industrialization of products within the highest standards of ethics, sustainability, transparency and compliance.


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