
World General Aviation records 3,2% increase in new aircraft deliveries

In the last quarterly report released on November 13, by the Association of General Aviation Manufacturers – GAMA (acronym in English) – there was a 3,2% increase in aircraft delivered by the end of September 2017 compared to the same 2016 period.

A total of 2.187 units were delivered, including conventional aircraft, turboprops, jets and helicopters, for a total value of US$ 15,8 billion. Even with the increase in the number of units delivered, the amount added in 2017 was lower than in the previous year due to the higher growth in deliveries of aircraft models with lower sales value. For example, conventional aircraft, which recorded a 4% increase.

Latin America presented a drop of 17,1% in relation to the same period of 2016, Brazil represents a great influence in this number. According to data from the Brazilian Institute of Aviation (IBA), in 2016, of the 35 aircraft delivered in Latin America, 24 were in Brazil. In 2017, according to IBA data, of the 29 aircraft delivered in the period, 24 were in Brazil.

North America, representing 75% of the total, led the volume of deliveries, driven mainly by the USA, with the recovery of the American economy, where it is the first time in three years that the Gross Domestic Product (GDP) grows at least 3% for two consecutive quarters.


Via - Brazilian Institute of Aviation


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Author aeroflap

Categories: Aircraft, News